On Calgary’s 7th Street Bike Track: I like it!


As regular readers here know, I have been rather critical of the city of Calgary’s addition of bike infrastructure at the expense of automotive infrastructure based on some extremely questionable utilization numbers. My main targets have been bike lanes placed on automotive routes where either residential parking is stripped and or expensive automotive lanes are reduced altogether despite there being a paltry number of cyclists at best.

I see downtown Calgary as something of a different story. While the number of daily bicycle commuters to downtown Calgary has been greatly exaggerated by some, through multiple counts in different locations and with a long drawn out twitter debate with pictured below; it was established that a few thousand people per day commute to work in downtown Calgary.


Three thousand is a tiny fraction of those who commute downtown in Calgary daily and is a far cry from the completely unsubstantiated twelve-thousand number that some folks have tossed out there. That being said, this is still a sizeable number of commuters and we should reasonably ensure that the infrastructure exists for these people to safely get to work and back.

In doing my counts, I found that while bike lanes on roadways had limited bike use, the Bow River bike path is quite busy with hundreds of cyclists riding it daily. I personally feel that the path should be expanded somewhat to reduce pedestrian/bicycle issues but that is a separate issue right now.

The Bow River bike path gives excellent access from East to West across downtown Calgary. What has been lacking is a safe bike access from North to South in the core and the 7th Street bike path has provided this (on the West side of downtown at least). Now a cyclist can get to many parts of the Calgary core while greatly minimizing the time spent on the open road with automotive traffic which can be a hair-raising experience to say the least.

In visiting the bike track today, I thought it looked very well done. Esthetically it was good and not looking too utilitarian. Directions for both cyclists and auto drivers appeared pretty clear. 7th Street was never really a main automotive artery and the number of cars displaced by the track is negligible. Parking was lost but it can and should be made up elsewhere if city council can get off their policies of choking it.

One thing that was terribly lacking on the 7th street bike track though was actual cyclists.


Today was what I would consider to be ideal cycling weather. While cars were evident in the thousands as always downtown, I saw only a handful of cyclists using the track. In the next day or so I will get to the track in rush hour and see what sort of traffic the cycle track is drawing but in mid-day the cycle track almost could have sprouted tumbleweeds.

In wandering further downtown, I walked down 5th St. SW which parallels the 7th St. bike track only two blocks away. What I saw there was somewhat dismaying. I saw about as many cyclists on the street with no track as the one with one. In the 10 minutes on 5th, I saw one cyclist going the wrong way on the one way street, another pair riding side by side with a long line of traffic behind them and another riding while texting. Two of those are pictured below. I really do have to get a better camera for this stuff.


To be fair, another thing I witnessed (wish I had been able to get a picture) was an idiot driving down the separated bike track in a Toyota pickup. Had there actually been bicyclists on that track there could have been a terrible accident as the barriers would leave the cyclists no room to escape. The point of the track is to provide a safe place for cyclists to ride and fools like the one I saw defeat this purpose.

While liking the track and the concept, I have to now wonder what it will take to get cyclists to use it in larger numbers. I used the term reasonable earlier when referencing bicycle infrastructure and I mean it. If bikes refuse to even go two blocks out of their way to use the track, how much infrastructure is reasonable? We can’t put tracks on every street in light of how tiny a portion of commuters ride bikes.

If we build infrastructure for cyclists only to find that pedestrians on sidewalks are still dodging bikes and auto-commuters are still being delayed by cyclists I have to ask: what is the point?

In Calgary we should start to look at bicycle infrastructure with real need, demand and traffic flow in mind. We can use more separated bicycle infrastructure but dammit if we are going to build that I expect a majority of cyclists to actually use it. With a couple more tracks built, I contend we could then heavily enforce and ticket bike users on sidewalks and designate some roadways downtown as being automotive routes only (and enforcing this). Just as no car should be on a bike track, there is no need to displace pedestrians and autos further with bicycles if the alternative infrastructure exists for them.

I am looking forward to seeing how rush hour goes on the new cycle track and do hope to see well built infrastructure in the future. If we continue to idiotically keep bike lanes on roads such as 11 St. SE that has a few bikes per 24 hours at best while taking an entire two automotive lanes up I think my hypothesis of Calgary’s bicycle strategy being one of an anti-automotive bent rather than pro-cycle will have been proven. There is no excuse.

8 thoughts on “On Calgary’s 7th Street Bike Track: I like it!

  1. Cory,
    Your hypothesis about the biking strategy being and anti-automotive rather than pro-cycle has been proven long ago; proven by the very fruit of the strategy: You don’t plant peas if you want carrots. The cycling activists don’t want automobiles, so they don’t care how many bike lanes, they won’t go 1 block out of their way. They want whatever it takes to remove the cars and turn us into Beijing of Canada, where freeways of cyclists commute daily.

    the problem, of course, is 8 months of the year. Then they want public transit subsidized by gas taxes and downtown parking rates.

    Personally I yearn to be proven wrong in these comments. I crave to see the cycling activists actually call out those who ride on 5th St. rather than go the 2 blocks to 7th. When that happens I’ll join you in calling for a similar separated bike lane on the east side of downtown, and even one equi-distance between them. But I suspect I’ve got a greater chance of seeing snow-boarding in hell before seeing cyclists chastise their own.

  2. There is a fundamental problem with conducting a sham public engagement exercise, ignoring the views of businesses (the people riding the bikes are some of their employees) and the City’s foremost cycling promotion group, then spending a million dollars on a to take out a lane of traffic and build a separated bike lane from the sixty million dollar Peace Bridge to nowhere.
    The fundamental problem is that not many cyclists are going to use it because it goes nowhere. Oh, the Transportation Department had assigned an employee or two to ride up and down it on opening day just to make sure there were a couple of people using it but if you think that is a good use of your tax money…
    The Transportation Department spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a Cycling Strategy that took two years to write. No one can honestly say they bothered with any research, the public consultation was a travesty and you do not have to have a MBA to know that it is not even a strategy. The T-Dep bureaucrats milked the “cycling is the new golf” phenomenon to get more staff and more money. In the same budget cycle Calgary Parks had its budget cut by one million dollars despite the fact that it had built one of the top recreational multiple use pathway systems in North America.
    The 6th and 7th St SW bike lanes in downtown were planned before transportation planners knew they would be writing a so-called cycling strategy. Funny thing is the transportation planners will not tell anyone why they so quietly dropped their scheme for the 6th St SW bike lane. The 6th St SW bike lane was supposed to take all the bikes you see on 9th Ave SW to the Peace Bridge so cyclists could have a coffee in Kensington with Druh Farrell before a Monday morning Council Meeting.
    No, according to the research and the practice in the rest of the world, where transportation departments have real interest in promoting bicycle commuting because it alleviates congestion not exacerbates it, million dollar separated bike lanes get built on major arterial roads characterized by lots of cars, high speed, that take people where they want to go.

    Beaton is president of the Tour de Nuit Society which is the event organizer of the ‘Ride the Road’ tour. The Society saved Calgary taxpayers a cool three million dollars when it opposed a silly Transportation Department bike rent scheme to drop 400 city-owned bikes in downtown Calgary and Kensington.

  3. Try exiting an alley onto 7 st now, it’s a nightmare. I did see one cyclist…. Riding on the east side sidewalk adjacent to the bike lane..

  4. Cory thanks for bringing us the facts (pictures don’t lie) and not being bullied into silence! We need more real people like you instead of the feel good people who choose to ignore the facts of increased engineered gridlocks and pollution……..

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