The Libertarian Party of Canada has been around since 1973. Few alternative parties can claim that sort of longevity and many have come and gone in that period.
The Libertarian party stays true to its ideals and philosophy. While the mainstream parties tend to change tact whenever the political winds shift, the Libertarians stick with their principles. That tenacious nature may be admirable, but it does make it difficult to garner support on the electoral front.
Libertarians are a stubborn lot by nature and can be difficult to lead. Jacques Boudreau has taken on a challenging task. Boudreau is maintaining an optimistic and pragmatic attitude and is planning to have a bigger presence in the next election which may be coming quite soon. With unrestrained government growth being the theme of the 2021 general election, a fiscal crisis down the road is unavoidable. The Libertarians plan to be there as the small-government alternative if and when Canadians do realize that we need to change the status quo.
The Libertarian Party is running candidates in a number of ridings. Their site and platform are here.
It was refreshing to interview a leader with a vision deeper than simply printing money and hoping to have retired before the inevitable financial crisis comes home to roost.