I know this sounds too good to be true. With real estate prices in lower mainland BC skyrocketing, how could Burnaby possibly be letting people build vacation homes for free?
Well the precedent has been set.
A large group of bums has been constructing buildings and clearing land to make their own personal little vacation spots outside of the Kinder Morgan terminal in Burnaby since last winter.
Clearly the city of Burnaby and the province of British Columbia have declared a lawless zone right there in the city where anybody can build and reside without paying a nickel!
Zoning and building codes clearly do not apply in this free land zone either as the local squatters have even erected a two story building right underneath a three phase power line. Here they are pictured giving the middle finger to all of Canada.
If these guys can build for free in Burnaby, why can’t anybody else?
I contend that we can, we should and we will!
Burnaby is beautiful in August. Lets set the date for Saturday, August 18 this year for us all to build our little vacation paradise.
Bring wood. Bring tarps. Bring saws. Bring stereos. Bring furniture. Bring trailers and bring broken down old cars!
Have an old trailer gathering dust in the back yard? Bring it out and put it to use!
Lets hold the biggest summer party that Burnaby has ever seen (outside the Kinder Morgan terminal anyway).
Fire permits don’t apply either. The current squatters are claiming that their fire is “sacred”.
Well, we are in luck. I am an ordained Pastafarian minister and as can be seen in the picture of me while deep in prayer, I carry the mark of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
We are on a mission from FSM and keeping the fire burning in order to cook pasta is our holy right! After all, He boiled for our sins!
While writing with tongue somewhat planted in cheek, I am serious.
Lets do it. How often do we get a zone in such a beautiful area as that part of Burnaby opened up for full and total free use? Lets make the most of this people! Book that weekend. Get that hammer and nails.
Email me at albertarep@hotmail.com so we can communicate and organize.
We can make this summer truly unforgettable.
I love it! We could start a sanctimony-free zone!
I will be out of the country, but I wish you great success!
Just do it! But make sure that when the riff raff runs you out of town to just leave everything. That’s what the Clowns at Camp Cloud will be doing. They don’t recognize “so called Canada” or “so called Burnaby” They sure recognize the checks though. Good luck.
Now I’m sorry I accepted a new job offer. I would have love to come and join you all build the dream property.