Mob mentality is winning.

The cowardice being shown by institutions when confronted by threats of violence from mobs is distressing to say the least.

The hysteric left has been increasingly using violent mob actions in order to shut down speakers or gatherings of people that they disagree with lately. The reason that these violent protests are increasing is simple. THEY WORK!

Rather than increase security or call the police when threatened by protesters, venues whether municipally owned or whether on University campuses generally take the callow path of cancelling the event and claiming safety issues as a rationale for their caving to the screeching minority. It is a path of perceived least resistance and it is emboldening people who feel that violence is an appropriate response to contrary thought or speech.

Alas, using the threat of violence to hinder others is not unique to left wing folks.

Today the City of Calgary cancelled a private nude swimming event that had been booked at a leisure center. It was not a walk in event. There was going to be no more exposure of nudity to minors than happens every day in public changing rooms. It was simply a group who like to gather and swim nude who wanted to book a facility for a private party.

Don’t like it?

Don’t go! This shouldn’t be so damned complicated people.

Despite this being harmless, Calgary’s neo-puritan population was enraged. Social media was afire as keyboard evangelists predicted that this will surely lead to mass Satanism and potential child abuse. Petitions exploded as an increasing number of prudes felt justified in telling other people what they may or may not do with themselves.

The righteous ire was palpable.

When it looked like this harmless event was going to happen despite the mass indignation demonstrated through internet petitions, some nutbars decided to threaten violence. Guess what? It worked! 

The City would not point to a specific event but referenced “volatile public commentary” and vaguely spoke of some communications.

I am sure the irony will be lost on the uptight fools who went haywire about this event, but I suspect that many if not most of them are folks who speak out against the garb worn below.

The rationale behind the burka is that men will become uncontrollably aroused by the sight of female flesh and will be forced into committing a sin. That is why rape victims in Islamic nations are usually convicted. Surely they tempted those men into raping them. Perhaps they showed some public ankle!

The anti-nude swim gang in Calgary went one step farther. They felt that there are numerous pedophiles lurking around every corner who will become hopelessly aroused and will molest kids at this event. As an organizer pointed out, if a man becomes aroused at a nudist event it becomes rather evident and will be dealt with rather quickly.

You can’t go to a public change room and start snapping pictures of nude children nor can you at these private events. There really was no issue here.

Back to the initial point of this post, we have allowed threats of violence by protest groups to succeed yet again. The gravity of this precedent can’t be understated. This will of course only encourage more violent people to use this as a tool to get their way when they find themselves in an aggrieved minority. This is not how a civilized or democratic society is supposed to act.

Yes. The safety of the swimmers is paramount as the City of Calgary said. Instead of cancelling the event though, they should have sent police and security. Anybody threatening violence should be immediately arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We can’t let extremists know that threats of violence are effective.

This applies to speeches and gatherings whether in community halls, campuses or any other venue. In a free society we have to protect free assembly and speech with all that we have or we will surely lose both to the mobs.

The City of Calgary’s cowardice in this issue has only invited more violent responses to events in the future. Sad.

There is no religion of peace.

Like hippies before them, hipsters tend to flock to what they may perceive as being a peaceful religion. They want to embrace some sort of man on the moon theory to live by and guide themselves with but if they are seeking a truly non-violent religion they will be forever out of luck.

The West has been treated to some horrific images of the violence being perpetrated by Buddhists in Myanmar as Muslims are being assaulted and driven from the country. Hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees are now packed into Bangladesh where there are scant resources to care for them.

This is just an example of contemporary Buddhist violence. It only takes a moment of research to find that violence inspired by Buddhism has been happening for centuries.

What about Hinduism though? They have inspired yoga and meditation! They embrace peace on all levels!

Sorry to add to the disillusionment kiddies, but finding examples of Hindu based violence is even easier than finding it among Buddhists. 

Every major religion has and does spawn violent acts among its followers.

Of course defenders of the various religions love to spout out: “but those people were not ‘true’ followers” etc.

Bah. That’s just bullshit. How can there be a true or non true follower of what is essentially a set of fairy tales anyway? The behavior of the adherents has been through the arbitrary sanctions of their religious leadership for millennia and little has changed whether by a Pope, an Imam a head monk or whatever.

Sects and branches constantly evolve from all religions and almost inevitably devolve into a period of violence and intolerance when given enough time.

Islam is dominating religious based violence these days (they have done so for centuries), but they are far from alone,

One could come up with a whole new set of anecdotal fairy tales to follow. That is far from unprecedented. That is actually how each and every religion has come into being. Scientology is a great example of a new religion. Scientology has of course fallen into violent acts in the name of their faith too. The true mark of a religion. They have made it!

Folks can follow celebrity inspired baloney religions that break from established faiths as well. Kabbalah is a prime example of this. If that movement takes off and gains enough followers, rest assured that some folks will feel that violence will be required in order to maintain and propagate their faith. This evolution of religion is inevitable.

Religion is tribalism at its ugliest form. The instinct to spread the faith with religions is inherent among adherents and it is only a matter of time before fundamentalist followers feel that violence is justified in the name of their chosen faith.

It is a true sign of religious insecurity when followers feel that they need to take the role of enforcement of the faith from the figurative hands of their chosen deity and violently do it themselves. No matter how many religious texts call for leaving judgement to their version of a supreme being, adherents will feel that they have to take judgement into their own hands.

I know, I know. Those who are violent are in the minority. Those who are violent don’t represent the faith. Yes. I keep hearing that mantra over and over and over again. That is the problem. I keep hearing this yet no religion has managed to purge these violent minorities. The common denominators are religion and violence and that rule appears to be inviolate given enough followers and time.

Seeking and promoting peace and non-violence is a great thing to do. I hope that humanity evolves into a better and more tolerant world.

The first step in finding world peace however will be in the shedding of religion not in embracing it.

There are no exceptions. There is no religion of peace. Quit seeking that non-existent faith and you will truly be finally walking on the real road to peace.