It really must be humiliating to be a law enforcement officer these days. You feel a calling, you take the training and then find yourself relegated to a role in life as a speeding ticket writer and traffic control officer for illegal protesters while innocent commuters lose hours of their lives due to traffic blockages.

This morning in Edmonton, nine or so extremists held hands across a major bridge in a protest and snarled commuters for hours.
It would have taken a few police officers a matter of minutes to move these idiots off the bridge and charge them. Instead, police acted like the personal security service for the protesters and protected them from infuriated, taxpaying commuters.
Click here to watch the video. It is pathetic as a clearly completely powerless police officer works to ensure that nobody interferes with the illegal protest. You can feel the rage building from the countless people locked in a standstill while a handful of losers holds them hostage.
These giggling assholes won today. They held up thousands of people for hours with impunity. Rest assured they will do it again.
What if an ambulance couldn’t get through? What if there was a medical emergency in the backed up traffic? How many people lost hours of work? Did any people potentially lose their jobs? Not every employer is sympathetic with excuses for being late.
These blockades are not a minor thing. They are illegal and we need to enforce the damned law.
Its not surprising to see these protests escalating as our cowardly authorities refuse to enforce the law.
Hell, even after putting first responders in danger in Vancouver as they dangled from a bridge and forced a high level rescue at costs of untold thousands of dollars, Greenpeace extremists never even got a slap on the wrist.
Seriously, what the hell is the point of the law and the point of the people tasked with enforcing it if they can’t even deal with a problem this cut and dry and simple?
Perhaps they should just stick to speeding tickets and doughnut eating and let the public clear the roadways themselves. It would be more effective.
I can’t wait to see the next blockage and rest assured it is coming soon.
Hello, does the law allow for shutting down infrastructure that is important?
Why are the police so powerless here?
Please explain further, if you can.
I do not understand why this is allowed in a modern city? Thank you.
the Police are afraid their “salary ” will be cut .