Meet Nate Pike from Calgary Alberta

I support independent journalism along with citizen journalists. I should. I am currently making a living in that industry.

I think people’s efforts should flourish or wither based on the quality and principles of their work.

Nate Pike is a lowly person who participates in trash journalism based on posting the personal information of others and trying to expose them to ridicule or humiliation.

I don’t think Nate should be sued, swarmed online, or canceled. I just want to ensure that his actions are documented online in perpetuity for those who may be searching his name for whatever reason.

The recent action taken by Pike was to post the profile from a dating site of a person who had been out of politics for years. There was nothing unusual in the profile. Just a person who was seeking to meet somebody. Nate thought it was a good idea to post an image of the profile on his little news account called “The Breakdown” and essentially tried to belittle the person in a snickering way.

Even Pike’s own followers were repulsed by the pointless invasion of somebody’s personal space and privacy online. They called for Nate to pull down this puerile, pointless posting.

This is where Nate Pike’s true nature shines through. He refused then and refuses now to delete the posting. As of this posting, it still remains up.

We all make mistakes. Many of us have posted impulsive things online that we shouldn’t have. The mark of a decent person though is the ability to realize an error and work to correct it. Deleting his disgusting post would have been the first and least of the efforts Nate Pike could have made to right this wrong. Apologizing would have been even better. Instead, Nate Pike wants the posting to remain on the internet forever. Just as this little posting about Nate will.

So keep this in mind if you are researching Nate Pike from Calgary Alberta who has run for the Alberta Party in a provincial election and for Ward 3 in a municipal election. He is a petty little man who gets off on trying to humiliate others who have done nothing to him.

Bear that in mind as well if looking into his little venture into citizen’s journalism with @thebreakdownAB where he posts personal information on others while begging for donations with a Patreon account. There is little of credibility to be found in his writings.

Hope you grow up one day Nate. Until then, enjoy this little bit of the attention you so clearly were seeking.

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