I have to admit, I had never heard of Lush cosmetics until recently. I don’t wear a lot of makeup.
Lush has been making the news on social media lately as Albertans have noticed that they have been actively campaigning against Alberta’s energy industry for years while still maintaining a number of outlets throughout the province. They want us to spend our oil money on their cosmetics but they want to shut down the source of the money.
This is typical of so many of the ideologically driven. Leading by example is not a consideration while virtue signalling through the attack of important industries becomes a marketing hook. I am sure that the Alberta bashing serves them well in their Oregon and California outlets. It is galling however to think that these jerks are selling their product in our province while using us as a marketing whipping boy in order to sell their makeup elsewhere.
Hey, their company is free to take whatever political stance they like. They are also free to set up shop wherever they like.
Consumers are free to spend their dollars wherever they like. I most strongly suggest as this Christmas season hits that people do not give Lush cosmetics a single nickel and to seek out comparable products from companies that do not practice such destructive and insulting hypocrisy.

A Lush rep responded to an inquiry just the other day and rest assured, they have no interest in backing off in their anti-Alberta stance one bit.

There are a number of good local alternatives. I will list a few below and I invite any readers to add further links to companies in the comments.
Lets save Lush Cosmetics from our dirty oil money.
Hi Cory,
Thanks for the post. There are a number of other companies that actively support anti-pipeline/anti “tar” sands campaigns, such as Natures Path, Patagonia, and even MEC). It would be interesting to have a consolidated list of these companies heading into the holiday shopping season so we are able to make sure we direct our hard earned money to companies that support our industry and economy…
This screenshot should be posted outside their stores
Maybe you could add Edmonton-based well&belle natural beauty – https://www.well-belle.com
Thanks. Done.
Thanks for increasing peoples attention on this issue.
There is another source of concern if you are interested in following up. Recently at a convention in the Edmonton area the Alberta Teacher’s Association (ATA) invited Tzeporah Berman (the anti-pipeline activist that used to work for the Notley NDP) to make a presentation. I for one am gravely concerned and have made my concerns known to the ATA by renouncing my health care insurance I held through them. What are the Alberta teachers telling their students about the energy industry?
Thank you Cory for the article. There’s a couple of local ladies that have their own business in Stettler, AB. Their company is called The Fresh Wife. They make their own natural soaps, lip balms, chemical free deodorants, lotions etc etc. FB page of the same name.
Isn’t it amazing how companies will decry our oil, but have their snouts firmly entrenched in our wallets and won’t close their stores in Alberta or stop taking the oil money earned by our populace?
From 2010: The Alberta tar sands is taking another hit as two major retailers–Whole Foods and Bed Bath & Beyond–announced on Wednesday that they are moving to avoid using the petroleum products sourced from the tar sands for transporting product, according to a ForestEthics press release.
From 2011: Fruit producer Chiquita Brands has become the latest company to stop using oil sourced from Canada’s tar sands, following a campaign by environmental group ForestEthics, reports the Financial Times… According to the FT, Chiquita is the 15th company to boycott, or reduce their use of tar sands oil, including Walgreens, Gap and Levi’s. You will also want to keep a lookout for Chiquita subsidiary Fresh Express salads, which may still haunt our local grocery stores.
Hey Cory;
Love your posts. Here’s another local (Calgary) soap company for your list:
Aleppo Savon (www.alepposavon.ca)