As Jason Kenney’s leadership continues to steam along and win majorities in delegate selection meetings, the entitled old guard of the party are becoming increasingly upset.
When I saw this posting from a longtime Progressive Conservative Party member on Facebook, I really had to read it twice to ensure I was getting it right.
The depth petulant elitism in this posting was astounding. In one short Facebook ramble, this person managed to demonstrate exactly why the partisan foundation of the conservative movement in Alberta needs to be revisited and fixed.
I will break it down.
It’s been really bothering me that every single Albertan thinks they get to have a say in this race.
Wow. Just wow. The PC Party led Alberta for 44 years and they aspire to do so again. You are damned right every Albertan wants to have a say in this race. It really says something when we see folks being bothered by the idea that Albertans at large are interested in the management of their province.
Firstly, the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta at this level, the constituency association level, the membership level, is in fact a private party.
Um, yes it is a private party. Hate to break it to you but it is a private party that is open for all Albertans to participate in. Time to drop a little entitlement and get over that.
Each and every one of us that belongs to that private entity has purchased a membership and tries to support that association in someway either by funding, sitting on a board or volunteering.
Glad you understand that. What you don’t seem to get is that anybody may buy a membership and become just as much a member as you are and will all the same rights and privileges. Open processes are disturbing indeed.
Here are the requirements for membership. Its not a terribly exclusive club though some members such as the one who I am quoting seem to think that it is.
Membership in PC Alberta is open to residents of Alberta of at least 14 years of age. Members between the ages of 14 to 26 are also eligible to become a Progressive Conservative Youth of Alberta (PCYA) member. Upon reaching their 26th birthday, they will become regular members of PC Alberta.
Along with $10, that’s it that’s all. Yes, all Albertans may speak in this race and thousands are choosing to.
The vapid “private club” analogy falls apart on many levels but the main part is that there are essentially no barriers to membership.
Which, is I would not of allowed Jason Kenney to run it all.
Well, we can be all glad that your undemocratic view didn’t win the day.
I know it pains you to think that leadership candidates should simply be banned rather than take the chances that the unwashed members at large may select one that you don’t approve of. Too fucking bad already. Spend less time whining and more time campaigning for another candidate. Your DSM vote is worth just as much as any other member (though that clearly disturbs you).
The PCAA voted overwhelmingly to rebuild last May.
Sometimes an engine needs to be torn down before you can rebuild it. The members are getting a choice on how to deal with the means in this leadership race. Again, that pesky democratic thing.
it is my clear opinion that he should form his own party and ask people to join him there.
Glad you agree with Kenney’s plan here. Jason has to win the PC leadership first however and he is well on his way.
This is then what many of us refer to as a hostile take over.
Glad to see a vacuous posting finish with a vacuous sentence.
It is not a hostile takeover when the membership is open to all and the members get to choose. It is something of a dictatorship when members are not allowed to select leaders in such a process.
In a rather disjointed way, this entitled PC member demonstrated exactly the kind of elitist rot that has dominate the PC Party for years. Horrified at the prospect of losing in a democratic process, this person lashed out and declared the PC Party to be some sort of little personal social club in which new members and ideas must be kept at bay.
Arrogant elitism is being rejected around the world. Unwashed voters are kicking out the entitled whether in Brexit, the US election or in Alberta’s last provincial election (unfortunately our cure was as bad as our disease).
Maybe it’s time for some who want to form a little closed club to wander away and do so. They have every right to do such a thing.
I look forward to seeing this elite club present its vision to the general electorate to see how well it is accepted.
I should have supported freedom more. Here I am on my death bed Cory, and I now realize that Authoritarianism is wrong! May god forgive me for all those I murdered in the name of Socialism. -Fidel
Bullshit bickering and PC elitism and screwing Alberta for 40 years is why the PC’s should just STFU fade into the sunset and join the WRP. IMHO Jason Kenny is not a lot different than Jim Prentice, self anointed hero of the peasants. Get rid of all the life long trough dwellers that are hanging on for the sake of their paychecks
Back in the day when Ralph Klein was running for the leadership of the PC party, eldest offspring was turning 16 and thus eligible to vote. Offspring wasn’t able to attend any leadership debate because of school obligations, so went off to same, picked up pamphlets from all the candidates which handed over for perusal, and bought a membership for the offspring. Come 16th birthday, we went off to the local community centre to vote; scrutineer (knew him – community member) examined our credentials and then asked precisely WHEN offspring had been born. Was able to assure him that was in the early hours of the morning so offspring was truly 16. The birthday party later that evening was interesting as offspring boasting about having voted for the new premier. Following week, trekked back to same community centre for run-off vote. It was a great experience both for offspring and myself.
wow! the PC party in Alberta had been taken over by NDP in costume. What was Redford? Not any kind of conservative, that’s for sure. PC party needs to bleach its leadership of any of this elitism, and let the party actually become conservative again, or they have no chance at all.