Are the Trudeau Liberals preparing to try and regulate internet content?

Hedy Fry has long been known as one of the nuttier members of the federal Liberal caucus.

It isn’t surprising to hear her asking for something as stupid or as dangerous as getting government directly involved in monitoring the accuracy of things posted on the internet. Accuracy can be a subjective thing at times and yes, some stuff is outright inaccurate by any measure. It isn’t the damned government’s role to dip into this and potentially cause havoc with the fantastic, open information exchange that we enjoy today on the internet even if at times some inaccurate things make their way out there.

It is sort of ironic that Hedy Fry is proposing this when one consider that she is the nut who won national notoriety when she falsely accused the citizens of Prince George of hosting cross burnings. Accuracy has never been Hedy’s personal priority.

Don’t just take my word for it though. Listen to Hedy the Clown speaking to a committee below.

Loss of freedom is usually an incremental thing. While I make light of things, this shouldn’t be taken lightly and should be watched closely.

Well, I will post these images below and see if the Liberal accuracy police come after me down the road.

wiper oil coolant

2 thoughts on “Are the Trudeau Liberals preparing to try and regulate internet content?

  1. I use Hedy’s line all the time – lol – just another instance of a Liberal speaking for the sake of speaking. Regarding the internet – lots of luck with that – the internet cannot be controlled – unless you have compliance from Google etc. Go ahead and try and be prepared for the onslaught of abuse and ridicule that will ensue.

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