Put a fork in him, he’s done.



 Many people have been becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the actions of Harper in his mad pursuit to try and gain a majority government. There has been the declaration of Quebec as a nation, the insane spending increases, the complete flip/flop on the income-trust issue, the capitulation to the eco-kooks on carbon policy and on and on and on.

 Nothing better illustrates Harper’s complete sellout of his own principles better than his recently quoting John Maynrd Keynes in defense of his garbage “stimulus” package. CP documents this here:

“But I was taught early in economics classes, the famous economist John Maynard Keynes said that, ‘At times like this, we remember that in the long run, we’re all dead.’ So right now, we worry about the short term. We are worried about the short term, and we’ve got to get things right now.”

Yes the direct quote above is from Steven Harper. Harper always claimed to have been strongly influenced by Hayek and Friedman who both very effectively and completely discredited Keynes socialist theories.

 In Harper’s own thesis, he spoke of the dangers of embracing Keynesian economics in order to win elections.

From Harper’s thesis:

“Minority governments show no particular tendency to fiscally irresponsible

behaviour, contrary to some theoretical predictions.”

“A general observation would be that, while there is no evidence of a ‘chronic deficit’ tendency in Canada historically, neither is it clear how such a problem is resolved once it occurs.”

“The record indicates that particularly activist Keynesian policy has been rare in the postwar period. The results indicated that it should remain so.”

 To act against your own principles is one thing (and still not a good thing), but to directly quote from the economist that Harper claimed for so long was misguided is astounding.

 Harper has utterly no principle left and will do utterly anything in order to gain the brass ring of a majority.

 The irony is that Harper’s efforts will not gain him a majority. If people want a Liberal Prime Minister, they will elect one. Ignatieff is at least honest about his liberal nature. Harper could not pull an election victory from the inept Dion, there is no way in hell Harper will get one from Ignatieff.

 If indeed we in Alberta have any hope for a fiscally responsible government, we must look to our provincial legislature. The federal parliament is clearly a waste of time.

 With Deficit Ed Stelmach in power, we certainly have our work cut out for us provincially as well.

Another gem from Pat Condell.

 There are few things that are more effective in getting me to address an issue than having a person or group say that I should not talk about that issue.

 The cowardice on the the part of western elected officials when it comes to protecting freedom of speech for critics of Islam (the religion of peace) is staggering.

 If there is ever going to be an end to the worldwide slaughter and terror perpetuated by Islamic extremists, we need to be able to openly discuss the actions of them.

 As always, Mr. Condell excellently explains the gutless actions of England’s parliament in the video below.

 Geert Wilders has been a controversial figure for a variety of reasons. When Wilders made the video below, the Islamic world predictably went postal, called for the death of Wilders and has been working very hard to pressure politicians worldwide to make the man persona non grata worldwide.

 Sadly to a degree the Islamic extremists have been successful in their efforts of censorship and terror.

 What was not factual in the video that Wilders produced? Utterly nothing. All Wilders did was compile actions carried out by Islamic extremists. Wilders also showed some of the writings in the Koran that extremists use to justify their actions. Finally, Wilders demonstrated the leadership in the Muslim world encouraging their followers to continue to carry out slaughter and terror around the world.

 Nothing hurts more than the truth. Nothing seems to put Islamic extremists into a frenzy more effectively than the truth.

 We need to stop tiptoeing around the issue. Extreme Islam has been causing misery around the world and the actions of the followers of that faith are growing worse. As we try appeasement through the suppression of free speech and critical comment of the Islamic faith, we only make the job of these murderous thugs even easier.

 I suggest that everybody get themselves a copy of the Qur’an and read for themselves. I have little use for any organized religion. At least the teachings of the new testament call for peace and forgiveness. Hindu’s are well known for peaceful efforts and introverted Buddhists go out of their way to avoid harm to others. The Qur’an preaches little more than violence, intolerance and the suppression of women.

 It is little wonder that Islam stands out so predominantly in contemporary religious based actions.

 We must be able to speak about this.

The Qur’an challenge.


 Why is it that so many members of “the religion of peace” resort to threats of violence whenever anybody dares to question aspects of their faith?

 I have seen it first hand when attending a “peace” protest here in Calgary. These people have the nerve to even use the word peace while waving a Hezbolla flag and chanting death to the Jews. While at this “peace” rally, I met a young Hasidic Jew who had fallen for the “peace” message and came out with a home-made sign saying shalom along with an actual message of peace. He was nearly in tears when he approached me and said “they are waving ***ing Hezbollah flags.”. The open minded young fellow was quickly disillusioned when he found that these “peace” activists have nothing but hatred and contempt within them. The young man was bullied and threatened right out of the rally.

 Myself and some others were in a small group holding signs differing in opinion from the pro-terrorist bunch. We were surrounded by police officers who feared for our safety as the “peace” protesters were beginning to get rather threatening.

Islamic Rage Boy


 Ahh yes. Peace indeed.

 Another element that we constantly see from the activist segment of the Islamic population is utter contempt for the concept of free speech. The abuse of our Human Rights Commissions in Canada demonstrates that very well.

 Going outside of the available legal mechanisms to stifle free speech, the activist crowd has been quite effective in organizing to suppress critical content on the web.

 The video above was created by a young comedian named Steven Crowder. I have seen better comedy to be honest, but Crowder makes interesting and valid points in this video. Nothing he has pointed out is false and he is quoting directly from the Holy Book of Peace.

 For his efforts, Crowder has been predictibly exposed to a flood of death threats and every possible effort has been made to remove his video from the net. The video is coming and going and constantly being flagged as hateful until proven otherwise as Islamic activists wear out their mouse buttons harassing YouTube.

 As of this posting, we can see that the comments on the video are at 5,712. A rather huge number of comments. The reason for this is that clearly bored activist Islamics watch postings on the comment thread. When any comment is supportive of the video, they quickly flood the page with some Islamic gibberish and push the favorable comment off of the page. I wish I had such free time on my hands.

I tire of this endless fight against open dialog. I am more than tired of the apologists for this faith. I understand that the majority of muslims are moderate and take no part in this lunacy. Despite that, there is no question that the Islamic world has cornered the market for human rights violations, terrorist attacks and threats to free speech whether journalists or bloggers. That apparently tiny minority within the faith is doing terrific damage.

 I sure wish I would see some effort on the part of the moderate majority to calm down their violent minority.

 Why are so many fearful of direct quotes from the Koran anyway?